Have you ever said to yourself…
“If I just rest and take some time off from training, the pain will go away and I can get back to doing what I love.”
“Am i going to be able to make it through this race without a problem? I’m worried my injury is going to flare up again.”
“What am I going to feel like in 10 years? Am I going to move like my parents?”
”My doctor hasn’t been able to help me with the problem and said i should never do my activity or sport anymore, otherwise I’ll need surgery.”
“Trying to fix this on my own isn’t working anymore. I’m frustrated and overwhelmed but there’s no way I’m going to stop doing what I love so I’ll just push through it.”
You are not alone.
Too many times, we’re out there playing a sport, exercising, or training for a race when what seems like out of nowhere, pain sets in. It could be your knee, low back, shoulder…it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same. You get hurt and wonder, “Why did this happen? Will this ever end?” You rack your brain thinking of any possible thing you could have done to cause this and you come up short.
So what do you do?

You put a bandaid on it.
You rest, you ice, you foam roll. You start spending countless hours on the internet diagnosing yourself. You buy a fancy brace. You ask your buddies in the gym what they think.
And after a few weeks, you get back to your activity.
You think you’ve fixed the problem or that if you just push through it, it’ll go away. Things seem to be ok for a while.
But sure enough, one bright, sunny day, it comes back…with a vengeance.
And you go through the cycle again.
You rest, you ice, you foam roll…
And you hop back on that injury roller coaster.
I get it.
I've been there...too many times.
My name is Matt Pippin and before I started on this path as a Strength and Mobility Coach, I was that kid who played any sport I could instead of playing video games. As I got older, those years playing baseball, rugby and weight training caught up to me and I started to get injured more and more often.
From ACL tears, to shoulder impingements and excessive lower back pain, I’ve experienced it all. It’s been a vicious cycle that continued well into my 30’s and most recently, sent me to the hospital with severe back spasms so bad, I was blacking out from the pain.
Each time I got hurt I would ask myself this same question:

How can we do all of the active things we love without beating our bodies up beyond repair?
To answer this question I tried everything. Name the gadget, book or training program and I’ve tried them all multiple times. But nothing seemed to actually fix the problem. They were just bandaids masking what was really going on. Whenever I thought I figured it out, sure enough, I’d get hurt again; sometimes in a whole new spot.
Through years of education, patience and working with clients ranging from professional athletes to those getting back into fitness after an injury, I finally learned that the answer to my question was simple. It’s something I never considered…something no doctor ever told me I should worry about…

Everything starts and ends at your joints; including pain and injury.
This isn’t necessarily a new concept but our understanding of it is. The reason many experience problems is because one of their joints isn’t doing it’s job. This leads to injury, aches and pains, or the feeling that you have tightness within your muscles.
We use mobility training to create healthy joints.
Once your joints work properly, compensations stop, your nervous system calms down and you begin to move pain-free. When your joints work at their best, pain and injury go away.
it's that simple.
This is the piece to the injury puzzle few are exploring.
Like the roots of a tree, your joints provide support for your muscles, which move your bones and allow you to move freely without the fear of getting hurt.
Just think about it….
Healthy roots of a tree can support the trunk, the branches, the leaves…your favorite tire swing.
Healthy joints support your movement so you can safely run, take a long ride on your bike, play a round of golf….all without pain.
Although nothing’s foolproof (I mean, life happens!), I can finally say that since working to improve my joint health by including mobility training as part of my routine, my injuries are now few and far between, recovery time is a fraction of what it used to be and I’ve been able to use this style of training to successfully help my clients.
It took some time (almost 10 months), but I’ve taken the system I use with my clients to design an online mobility training program that will help YOU, no matter what problem you’re dealing with. It's packed with everything you need to create quality movement and finally take control of your recovery.
And now I’d like to share it with you.

A proven 5-week mobility training program for eliminating your pain and injury.

The simplest and most effective way to relieve pain, eliminate injury and safeguard your body from anywhere.
There’s nothing else out there like it.
Unlike other programs that try to attack injury at a muscular level, MOBILITY MATTERS works from where all movement stems from; the joints.
This allows you to zero in on where the pain or injury originated from, correct the dysfunction and make lifelong changes.
The best part?
The training is super simple. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day and more importantly…
It works.
Really works.
Like it works so well that you’re going to shake your head thinking,
“Why isn't everyone doing this?”
That’s exactly what happened to Catherine and it changed her life…

I was a collegiate track athlete, but in my late 30’s I got in a car wreck which left me unable to be active. I could go for walks, but couldn’t lift weights, play basketball, rock climb, play with my nieces and nephews…basically I couldn’t do the things I love. As a former athlete that is a hard pill to swallow. It was not only hard for me physically, it also caused depression. I was begging for something to give me my life back.
When I first started mobility training, i was so amazed at the simplicity and, yes I was also a bit shocked at how effective the exercises are. I remember thinking, “Wow, such a simple concept is so powerful in so many ways”.
I could get teary eyed as I write this. I can now lift weights, rock climb, go for more strenuous hikes, play basketball, throw a football, ride a bike, but most importantly, I am smiling and I am living my life!
Without mobility training I would still be in pain, depressed, not active and feeling weak. Getting my life back is what I am SO grateful for. I feel strong, I am happy, I am empowered and my body is moving again. My shoulders don’t feel as restricted and my spine doesn’t feel so sticky.
Don’t be fooled by what appears to be simple. That simplicity will change your life. Everybody needs to implement mobility training into their life. They will feel better physically and emotionally and they will for sure move better!
Because of mobility training, my body is moving in ways that I thought it never would. It gave me my life back and it will always be a part of my life.
- Catherine
Mobility training is joint training.
We use it to develop control, build strength and increase range of motion within your joints, so they move the way they were meant to. There are 4 steps to help get you there:
Step 1: Pinpoint where the problem is really coming from.
Step 2: Build a rock solid foundation and learn how to move the right way.
Step 3: Tackle pain or injury head-on by isolating the dysfunctional joint and activating what hasn't been used in a long time.
Step 4: Be proactive and get in front of future injury by teaching your joints to work together.
"But will this help with MY injury?"
Everyone can benefit from and see significant results from mobility training. Here's a quick list of some of the issues my clients have solved with mobility training:
Rotator Cuff Injury
Shoulder Impingements
Frozen Shoulder
Hip Impingement
Hip Labral Tears
Chronic Hip Pain
SI Joint Problems
Groin Strains
Lower Back Injury
Upper Back Tightness & Pain
Knee Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Ankle Sprain & Impingements
Scapular Dyskinesis
Tennis/Golf Elbow
Carpel Tunnel
Neck Pain
Arthritic Joints
Muscle Sprains
Just remember…
The only difference between you being on the sidelines in pain, and enjoying an active, pain-free life is mobility training.
And that’s where MOBILITY MATTERS comes in.
I began incorporating mobility training into my workouts about 18 months ago after seeing Coach Matt’s passion for it. I was skeptical at first. As a practicing attorney with two young kids my workout time is limited and I was reluctant to give up any time with weights for what at first look appeared to be stretching. Now I’m hooked. Not only do I incorporate mobility work on my lifting days, I do it every off day and the results have been amazing. The difference was almost immediate but gradually increased as I get more comfortable with the movements.
They look deceptively simple but are actually challenging and I view them as a workout not as a stretch or warm up. For me, it’s like brushing my teeth. I don’t think about it, I just do it because I always feel better when I’m done.
Not only has my strength improved, my ability to move is better, and I have been able to increase the level of difficulty of the exercises I am performing not withstanding my advancing age (47!).
Another big difference, is my recovery time from soreness and injury has accelerated immensely. Last week, I tweaked my hip flexor doing something (maybe deadlifts, maybe walking my dog – who knows?). I was in a lot of pain and was worried I would need to take time out of the gym. The next day I spent 30 minutes doing different mobility exercises and I felt better almost immediately. I was 90 percent pain free within 24 hours and never missed a day from the gym and felt great all day at work. I love working out but I’m not getting any younger. I’ve learned that if I want to continue feeling my best in and out of the gym, daily mobility training is essential.
- Jason


We’ll kick off training with understanding “the why” behind how your body moves and why pain and injury happen. This understanding will set you up for success so you can make mobility training part of your routine, just like brushing your teeth!
Time to get moving! Learn your go-to exercises that will not only help you assess how each joint is moving surrounding your problem area, but will actually start to make improvements by strengthening these joints as well.
By the end of this week, you'll know where the root of your problem is coming from and will have your specific game plan for how to take action to get rid of it.

This is the heart of the program where you’ll build a rock solid foundation for healthy movement.
Since all of our joints work together, you’ll learn the simple exercises that are the building blocks for making every single joint in your body work the way they were meant to and how to improve each of them so they perform at their highest level. We’ll do this by creating awareness, developing control, increasing current ranges of motion and improving joint capacity.
You’ll not only learn how to move the right way, but you’ll build confidence in your movement to safely, efficiently and effectively see what your body is capable of without the fear of getting hurt.
Also, you’ll learn how to get ahead of future injury or pain by creating awareness in areas of your body that might be feeling tight or sticky. This is the key to a long-term, pain-free life.

Week 3 is all about having some fun and exploring different ways your body can move. Since everything is connected, you’ll learn some new ways to make your body move and feel better.

Once we’ve got all of your joints working together, we’ll jump into week 4 by tackling pain or injury, head-on. Improve joint health by activating areas that haven’t been used in a long time and learn to deal with pain points and what we call “closing angle pinches.”
This is what will take your recovery to the next level.

Once you’ve become a mobility ninja, we’ll tie it all together so you can integrate your new mobility training into your current routine.
The end goal? Maintain long-term success on your own.
A Step-By-Step Roadmap
I’ve taken the guess work out of it with Weekly Action Guides and coaching videos that'll show you exactly what to do and when. Avoid overwhelm and learn my proven formula for kicking injury to the curb.

Private Coaching Calls
*In the VIP Access program, not Self-Paced option*
Just because this is online, doesn’t mean you’re on your own. That’s not how I work. We’re in this together and I’m here to lead you to results in the safest way possible. Throughout the program we'll schedule 3 private coaching calls hosted on Skype where I can answer questions, provide feedback on your technique and help with programming to guide you through the program so you reach your desired goal. The 3 calls will be scheduled within this timeframe:
Call #1: Held during week 1
Call #2: In week 3
Call #3: After you've completed week 5
This feature also includes unlimited access to Coach Pippin via text or phone calls for additional questions and support during the program, as well as discounts and front-of-the-line priority on future programs and events.
The Ultimate Mobility Exercise Library
No matter what your injury is, we’ve got you covered with a full library of over 65 quick videos that you can follow along with to eliminate pain and create healthy movement within the 12 major joints: neck, shoulders, scapula, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, elbows, wrists, hips, tibia, patella, ankles….and don’t forget the toes! These exercises will show you how to:
Build a foundation to help you learn to move, the right way
Deal with pain points that may be holding you back
Target your injury so you can move past it
Assessment Tools
If you're not assessing, you’re guessing! The first step to getting rid of pain or injury is to pinpoint where the root of the problem is coming from. I’ve provided tools to help you do just that. You’ll also learn how to get in front of future injury by assessing your movement to see where limitations are.
“Pip’s Tips”
Your cheatsheets for my most effective tips and tricks that you can print out, write on, and take wherever you go.
Take Your Mobility Training On The Go!
Access your mobility training anywhere, through an internet browser on your phone or tablet.
Lifetime Access
These are tools for life and we mean it. All of the Weekly Action Guides, videos, live coaching and cheatsheets are yours!

Plus, These Bonuses:
What happens once you’re pain and injury-free?
It’s time to kickstart your sports performance or training so you can excel at your favorite activities. Dive in to this arsenal of bonus exercises that will take your mobility training to the next level:
Bonus #1: Challenge yourself by exploring movement in a new way. These exercises will put your body in unique positions to attack your mobility from different angles, while helping your body feel safe.
Bonus #2: Life is always changing and so are your movement needs. We’ve created a variety of mobility training guides and strategies that you can use to compliment your current training program, no matter what is thrown your way.
For those who want technique analysis and additional guidance during and after the program.
Only $279
($2,800 value)
Includes 3 Private Coaching Calls & benefits listed under this feature above.
Hassle-free 14-day money back guarantee.
Check out private coaching options here.
All prices in US dollars.



I signed up for Mobility Matters after hearing about the incredible results a friend had. My only concern was that I'm really busy and I didn't know if I could fit this into my day. Fortunately, it only takes 15 minutes a day and once you get the hang of the exercises, it takes even less.
I feel really wonderful after doing these mobility exercises and like I'm on top of the world! I notice that I sit and stand taller, and overall, have a better connection with my body.
Coach Matt is really knowledgable and more importantly, you can tell that he really cares about each participant and wants to help them get the results they're looking for.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this program! Thank you Matt!

I originally joined Mobility Matters to hone in on an existing shoulder problem, but found pretty quickly that the program was helping in other, unexpected but happily accepted, ways.
The moves themselves got mildly easier over the course of the program but it was what was happening outside of my mobility practice that I noticed the most. Turning around to back up the truck, dropping into a deeper squat at the gym, walking the stairs with less knee pain - all awesome.
The most exciting thing for me was noticing my shoulder pain ease up little by little and holy s#!t, I was getting lower and responding faster on the soccer field. I'm in an over-30 league and just like the quote, "I get older and they stay the same age", it gets harder and harder each year.
I credit Mobility Matters with helping me stay competitive, agile and on the pitch longer in less pain.
After a 2-3 year hiatus from most activities, my body was falling apart and uncomfortable. I was experiencing pain upon waking up and by the end of the day, activity was limited.
I started noticing a difference after the first week and have gotten back to all of my favorite things like yoga, running, and riding. I now wake up and go to sleep pain-free!
Mobility Matters has exceeded my expectations. I have more to do in order to regain my former abilities but this program has provided me with the foundation on which to grow. It is now my baseline and how I start and finish each day...thank you Coach Matt!

I started mobility training because I’m 55 and was easing back into weight training after time off from an injury that left me sidelined for a few years. I wanted to build up my strength again and resume some of my favorite activities without fear of getting injured for a silly reason.
After a month, I noticed less pain after weight training…even after doing so at a high intensity. Now I don’t think much about jumping into a favorite activity because I know my body is ready to handle it.
I’ve learned that consistency is key, motion is lotion, use it or lose it…and all those other cliches. Seriously, our bodies are meant to move. Mobility training puts you through the important ranges of motion so your body “remembers” what it’s supposed to do.

To be honest, online training isn't really my thing so I was a little hesitant in signing up for Mobility Matters, but that turned out to not be an issue at all.
What I liked most about the program ended up being how available and quick to respond Coach Matt was for questions.
When I started Mobility Matters, I had really tight hips and my right shoulder hurt if I tried to lift my arm above my head. I do my mobility exercises every day and I've been seeing more movement in my hips and shoulders which is great. Now I look forward to skiing, playing golf and participating in the Chicago Triathlon in August!

I joke that I do mobility training so I don’t look stupid at yoga class. The reality is I have been a gym rat for most of my adult life & have completed 10 marathons.
Too many of my friends who trained and ran marathons like I did are on their second knee replacement. I didn’t want that to be me.
Since starting mobility training, I’ve noticed a significant increase of mobility in my hips & shoulders. The other thing is that previously, I would at a fairly regular interval, have nagging aches and pains - that doesn’t happen any more.
The reality is I’m more flexible at 50 than I was at 30.
Still on the fence? We’ve got you covered with a
14-day Money Back Guarantee
I’m completely confident that this program will help you move and feel better but if you go through the training and are unsatisfied, simply contact me within 14 days and I’ll give you a 100% refund, no hard feelings (but I might cry).
This is completely risk-free…
If you think there’s even the slightest chance that this program can help you get rid of your nagging aches, pains or injury, then stop procrastinating and join us for MOBILITY MATTERS.
You have nothing to lose…except downtime between pain and injury.

Do I need a gym membership or fancy equipment for this?
Nope! You can do these exercises anytime, anywhere. No equipment is needed.
How much time will this take me?
15 minutes a day, that’s it! I do want to stress that like with anything in life, you get what you put into it. My clients who are the most consistent are the ones who see outstanding results. This is NOT a quick fix program.
How long will it take me to see results?
Some of my clients start to see results with this mobility training right away…from just noticing a better connection with their body, to feeling better each morning when they get out of bed. Everyone is different so for others, it may take a couple of weeks. I can promise though, if you put in the time and are consistent with this, you will see life-changing results.
When does the program start?
Once you purchase the program you can jump in and get started right away! You have LIFETIME ACCESS to the tools in this program so you can always come back for a refresher or learn how to handle future issues if it pops up.
How does this program work?
When you enroll in MOBILITY MATTERS, you’ll get immediate access to the program via a private account. Shortly after, you’ll receive a welcome email with information on how to access the private Facebook community and where to get started in the program. You’ll learn from the materials provided in your account as well guidance from me during our 3 private coaching calls.
I have a current injury - is this ok for me?
This program is specifically designed to help you recover from pain and injury. Unless you’ve popped a tendon or ligament, are in a cast, or just recovering from surgery, this program is for you. Before beginning any new program we recommend speaking with your medical professional.
What if I’m not injured?
Excellent! This is the perfect time to take control and be proactive about your movement. Even though you may not have an injury or pain at this moment, the majority of people have restrictions and compensations that will lead to issues, especially if you’re an active person.
Will this interfere with my current training or exercise program?
Absolutely not. The great thing about mobility training is that it compliments the activities you’re currently doing and will help you improve performance.
What if I am unhappy with this program?
I genuinely hope you’re completely thrilled with this program but if for any reason, you’ve gone through it and are unhappy with your results, we have a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee policy. All you need to do is contact us at info@pippinperformance.com within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll issue a full refund.
Pain and injury are not a normal part of life.
You don’t have to limit what you do.
You have the ability to take control.

Where will your pain and injury be 5 weeks from now?
All prices in US dollars.

For those who want technique analysis and additional guidance during and after the program.
Only $279
($2,800 value)
Includes 3 Private Coaching Calls & benefits listed under this feature above.
Hassle-free 14-day money back guarantee.
Check out private coaching options here.