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Relieve pain and increase flexibility with Pippin Performance online mobility training programs


Mobility training is the most simple and effective way I’ve seen to relieve aches, pains, and tightness, and believe me, I’ve tried it all. 


If you watched our previous video about why problems start in the first place, you know that if a joint doesn’t work properly or is weak, you might not even notice there’s a problem at first but your nervous system will. It’s always there trying to protect you when it doesn’t feel safe with you going in a position that requires that particular joint. 


This protection comes in the form of things like knots, spasms or tightness that leads to aches and pains. If you get your joints working the way they’re supposed to, the nervous system will trust you and release those annoying issues. 


Let’s look at tight glutes, which at one point or another has been a problem for us all. The standard protocol would be to stretch or jam a lacrosse ball on it and don’t get me wrong, you might temporarily feel better, but what happens the next day? As we know all too well…It comes back and you go through the whole process again, day after day after day!


The actual cause of those tight glutes, is your hip joint. If it can’t perform at least one of the functions it’s supposed to like flex, extend, abduct, adduct, internally, and externally rotate, your nervous system will put movement restrictions, tightness or knots in your muscles to prevent you from going in unsafe positions. 


The solution is to first identify what actions your hip joint is limited in, and then work to improve that action with mobility training

Relieve pain and increase flexibility with Pippin Performance online mobility training programs



To help you move, feel and perform at your highest level

- for FREE!

Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any exercise program. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.


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