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The Best Sumo Deadlift Alternative For Hip Pain
If your feet are naturally turned out a little bit like mine are (or duck-footed), then sumo deadlifts will be your preferred choice when...
The Best Ankle Friendly Calf Raise
Calf strength is an absolute must if you want to perform at any level of sports, competition, or simply enjoy everyday activities. Think...
The Ultimate Guide to Shoulder Pain
Ah, the shoulder – the unsung hero of our daily activities, until it decides to throw a tantrum and make its presence known. If only...
What Is Steady State Cardio and How To Use It
It doesn’t matter if you're a certified gym rat or just getting back into fitness, trying to lose weight or looking to improve sports...
How To Stay Injury-Free When Getting Back Into Fitness
A funny thing happens when people get back into fitness, especially every February when it comes to people working out. No, I’m not...
Unveiling the Secrets: 2 Lesser-Known Exercises to Soothe Ankle Pain
Is there anything worse than a tight, painful ankle? I’ve been dealing with this lately and it ruins everything. It hurts to walk, run,...
The Ultimate Ankle Mobility Routine
Ever wonder why... Your heels always come up on a squat? Your feet excessively turn out when you walk or run? You develop that nasty...
How To Speed Up Muscle Recovery With Mobility Training
Muscle recovery is a topic that I’m asked about on a daily basis by clients with questions like “what is it and why is it so important?”...
4 Surprising Benefits of Walking
I hate to admit this, but I used to be one of those people at the gym who would see someone walking on a treadmill or the track and...
How To Increase Overhead Flexibility & Mobility
You know overhead mobility and flexibility is crucial for lifting, sports, and everyday life but do you feel like no matter how much you...
10x Your Overhead Flexibility With This
Have you ever put your arms overhead for something and realized how sticky they felt? Or have you been in yoga class and dropped into...
How To Deal With Shoulder Pain From Benching Or Pushups
How many times have you gotten done benching or doing pushups, and felt that nasty ache right in the front of your shoulder? If you feel...
Relieve Shoulder Pain With This Sequence
Are you sick and tired of your shoulders always feeling inflamed? Have you finally realized that you can’t do banded rotator cuff...
Avoid Hip Pain In Your Deadlift With This Alternative
Have you ever felt that pinch in the top of your hip when trying to do conventional deadlifts? It’s like the lower you try to get your...
Chin Up Alternative For Elbow Pain
Do you love banging out sets of chin ups but every rep causes the inside of your elbow to burn more and more? That’s got mobility issue...
Save Your Shoulders With These 2 Bench Press Alternatives
How sick are you of being told to stop benching because your shoulders are always hurting? There’s gotta be another way to give your...
Alternative To The Overhead Press For Shoulder Pain
Shoulders always achey after overhead press day? Don’t want to give up overhead pressing because you know it’s the only way to get those...
How to Break Through Deadlift Sticking Points
Everyone knows getting off of the floor is the hardest part of the deadlift however, what most don’t realize is that it’s a lack of hip...
Hip Pain When Squatting? Try This Alternative.
Have you been squatting and every time you try to reach depth, you feel that stabbing pinch right in the front of your hip? For years I...
How To Break Through Overhead Press Plateaus And Lift More Weight
Is there anything better than being able to overhead press what most people are squatting? In my opinion the overhead press is the truest...
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